A brief synopsis of a project, often consisting of a project overview, project goals, methodology, outcomes, total funding, and target population, amongst other summary information.
Costs are allocable if they provide benefit to a particular award and other work of the institution, are necessary to the overall operation, and distributed in a manner proportionate to the work using reasonable methods.
Per the Uniform Guidance (§200.403 Factors affecting allowability of costs), costs charged to a grant or contract that are necessary, reasonable, allocable, consistently treated, and not specifically disallowed by the sponsor or program.
Any change to a contractual agreement requiring signature from an Authorized Official (AO).
A frequent designation occurring in a proposal submission, typically referencing the submitting organization, rather than the individual listed as principal investigator.
A series of statements to which an applicant organization must attest in order to qualify for funding. Often used in tandem with “representations” or “certifications.”
A systematic examination and review of the sponsored research administrative records, including but not limited to accounts, compliance, policies, and processes.
The university administrator granted authority to make commitments, execute awards, or otherwise legally bind the institution on behalf of the Board of Trustees.
A legally binding agreement between the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and an external sponsor whereby the sponsor commits a specific amount of funding to the university to perform a specific scope of work within a specific period of time. The award document is the funding mechanism for the sponsored project.